At Top Spot Cleaning, we offer many residential cleaning services for your needs. We don’t do housekeeping but know people we would recommend.
I can’t tell you how many people are embarrassed about getting their carpet cleaned because they believe it is too dirty. If you vacuum regularly, good for you! That cleans the loose soil and that is important! Not vacuuming grinds in the dirt and then they do become truly dirty. Top Spot cleans the dirt out. Please vacuum before we arrive.
By the way, we clean rugs too.
We are super at getting out spots. Here is a tip: if you have a spill, no matter the color or type, dilute is immediately with water and blot with a clean towl. If you use spot cleaners you buy at the store (or came with your carpet leaner) they are soap based and will probably set the stain. Just dilute and blot. If that does not do the trick, call Top Spot. We will help with that spot and the rest of the carpeting too. It all starts with a spot.
We also clean:
- Furniture: They make furniure in neutral colors for a reason. It doesn’t show the dirt easily. Think of how often you have sat in and laid your arms or feet on the sofa, chair, or ottoman. Trust me, it isnt as clean as you think.
- Tile & Grout- ceramic, VCT, Terazzo, and Marble. We will clean them and have the ability to seal them so you don’t have to have them cleaned again.
The tile and grout pictured is cleaned, not dealed. It will be shiny when sealed.
- Wood Floors: The picturesspeak for themselves. The floor i nthepctures was sealed with a permanent coating – no more sanding or waxing again! And, no, it is not slick.
- Drapery & Blinds: We can usually clean them where they hang.
- Stone Exterior: It’s mildew that grows on the surface. We will powerwash the surface and use a thyme based mold remediator to keep it from coming back.
Now, three years later, and it looks the same.
- Concrete erosion. It’s those areas eaten away by the salts we use in the winter and fertilizers in the summer, usually at the intersection of the cement. We can fill these in and they will look great. We can seal the driveway, or walkway, also which will keep the problem from happening again.